Theme of Fundamental Revisionism:
Time in reverse.Since the beginning, all legitimate religions have recognized the frailty of humanity and that of individual humans. In essence, natural goodness has always been a given in religions, despite the concept of “original sin”. The varying symbolic shades of black to white reflect the capacity of all of us to be the best we can be today, with the proviso that every tomorrow offers us the opportunity to best our every yesterday’s best. But today we live in troubling times. Fundamental revisionism is afoot. Pharisaic dictatorships are amassing extremist left and right thinking. From the top of their “Mount of the Chosen”, narcissistic purists now dictate to the masses who is and what is good and who and what will never be. The backward march is on to to revive what is perceived to have been a "better past" - thus all that we have now will simply be erased. |
Fundamental Revisionism
- Oil - 48" x 16" (diptych) - 2006-0011 - $5,000 + taxes + shipping How to purchase artworks
Installment Purchases