Off the north shore of Bermuda last year, i fell in love with this little gem of a boat, swaying on nary noticeable waves, and gently flying its colours proudly. All that was missing was its paper-hat coiffed captain shouting pirate "ho,ho,hos" and "avasts". The stories boats do tell. . . Un tout petit bateau canard danse doucement sur les vagues quasi invisibles. Affichant ses couleurs au brises intermittantes, il me fait rêver, imaginer son bout de chou de capitaine au chapeau tricorne en papier, debout sur le coq. . . épée chancellante. . . menaçant l'ennemi au large. Que de rêves nos imaginations soulèvent lorsqu'on admire un souvenir d'enfance.
October 2024